1. What was your first motorcycling experience?
Riding in Cyprus – no helmet, shoes, or proper clothes. Just a pair of Speedos! (I was very much younger and slimmer in those days!)
2. What is your current bike?
Yamaha Dragstar XVS650 in Black (& shiny bits!)
3. What bike would you most like to ride/own?
Stratoliner (Perhaps next year?)
4. What was your hairiest moment on a bike?
Having someone do a U-Turn on me last April, from a parked position, with no indicators. Although I managed to brake and slow down, and miss him (don’t ask me how!) I did come off the bike, with a few bruises, and minor damage to the bike. The wonderful person responsible for all this prompty drove off. However, I am pleased to say that the police prosecuted him, and he will be having his license suspended.
5. What was your most memorable ride?
Wooten Bassett ride last year – gave me goosebumps as we rode throught the town.
6. What would be the ideal soundtrack to the above?
“What’s Going On” – Marvin Gaye OR “Rocky” Soundtrack.
Depends on whether you want to go for the thoughtful side of things, i.e. the loss of life, the futility of war, etc. or the victorious, battle cry, never-say-die attitude.
7. What do you think is the best thing about motorcycling?
The freedom to park easily, the ability to get to your destination with no traffic, and in summer, it’s just an awesome feeling to ride along in the sunshine, especially when it’s with a group of friends going for a day out.
8. What do you think is the worst thing about motorcycling?
It’s motorists in general and their complete lack of respect and knowledge of what bikers have to contend with. I have to have my rant here. They drive around in their cars oblivious to their surroundings, not knowing what is behind them or indeed, either side of them. As if that’s not enough, many of them, despite owning wonderful, expensive cars, are too stupid, or too stingy, to buy a bluetooth earpiece, which can be bought these days for £10. Instead, they choose to drive with one hand (normally their right), up to their ear holding the phone, thus obscuring their view of the offside wing mirror, which is normally where they would see us.
The other thing for me, especially in the UK, is the weather. Often, it is a deciding factor on whether rideouts take place, and as we do have such a poor, often unpredictable summer, it can disappoint all concerned if the weather is not on our side.
9. Name an improvement you’d like to see for the next generation?
ALL car drivers should have to undergo a simulated bike ride, with virtual cars cutting them up, popping out from side roads, bad road surfaces to be avoided, etc. in order that they can get real insight into what our vulnerabilities are.
10. How would you like to be remembered?
By my daughters: As a great dad.
By the world in general: As a great dad who enjoyed his life and career, loved spending time with his friends, and where possible, helping others.