Mr Sheene
Sometime around the middle of May I spotted an Internet link to an article about one of my all time heroes so naturally I clicked on it. The photo tribute Continue Reading

Loads of fun in the Lot Valley
Looking out of the window at the few white clouds did nothing to dampen the ache, nor calm the increasingly insistent call of the road outside! A good forecast for Continue Reading

Gail “The Catlass” Richards – 23rd August 1970 ~ 25th May 2013
At 6:43pm on the last Saturday in May my phone pinged to let me know a Facebook notification had arrived. From the brief intro on the screen I could see Continue Reading

Meet and greet the police (the painless way)
When PC Graham Pierce rang me to talk about writing a regular column in the Digest, I saw the appeal immediately. As laudable as his stated mission to cut down Continue Reading

Ask a policeman
I’d like to start by saying I’m not a writer, a reporter, or a journalist. I’m not highly educated and I possess very few literary skills, (thank goodness for smell Continue Reading

Secondary Effects
I read other motorcycle magazines somewhat regularly. I’m more interested in their letters-to-the-editor than I am in their latest shoot-out between six identical motorcycles. I don’t care about elite Continue Reading

Funky Mopeds
There was a time, many years ago, when some of the contributors to this august journal had long hair, pimply faces and flares, when there existed a sub culture Continue Reading

Biker Down
“Kevin, I’ve got an idea and I’d like hear your thoughts about it” That was how I was first introduced by Jim Sanderson to what was soon to become ‘Biker Continue Reading

Paul Sample: The Interview ‘Everyone chooses their own destiny; mine’s a bike’ – OGRI
Whitchurch is one of those places that encapsulates the essence of Englishness with all its half-timbered houses, red bricks and stone-built churches. It’s a theme I want to explore with Continue Reading

Portraits of the TT 2012
It had been 10 years since my first and last visit to the Isle of Man for the TT races, back in 2002 I had just changed jobs, as I Continue Reading