The PDF of issue 194 of The Rider’s Digest is available to download absolutely FREE from our online shop HERE and as usual it is rammed full of the best motorcycling writing anywhere on the Internet.
Our latest edition contains a bumper 200 pages and it features all of our regulars as well as covering such international delights as the Distinguished Gentlemen’s Rides in both London and Paris, the 6th IJMS Conference (in London), track-days in Anglesey and Holland, downsizing in France, the first ever Courier Day at the Ace Cafe
Check the contents page below for more details or better still download the PDF and enjoy the whole thing on your tablet or computer at your leisure.
Please help us by telling a friend, ‘liking’ the issue and sharing it widely on social media.
As always, we look forward to reading any comments you might have.
Dave appreciated your response, had not appreciated I was subtle, just thought it “black” humour !!
This edition and Editor’s piece as good as ever!!
Please keep up your sterling efforts and that of the contributors
Best Regards
Well I’ve just finished reading issue 194 of TRD and found it very interesting, and not just because you included my random scribbles recording my trip around the Dales. (Thanks for the inclusion) What captured my interest was the article “A League of Notions” and the International Journal of Motorcycle Studies.
I have only ever ridden my bike for the fun of it, and now that I’m retired riding has the ability to clear the cobwebs and put a smile on my face, it open up access to vast swaths of the great outdoors which were previously limited by the constraints of the working week, but when I was working it would evaporate the frustration of the day and sooth any office related headaches, and when I ride with my sons it brings us closer together. It never occurred to me that there was a psychology to it!
Now, I have to wonder what it is in my psyche that drives me to spend half an hour donning all my gear and prepping and checking the bike before finally setting off on a 45 minute ride just for a Latte and Bacon Roll at Squires, there to sit back quietly enjoying that feast before heading back and the final twenty minutes or so putting everything away again. Is there a psychology to it or is it just for the fun of it..? Am I reading too much into this concept..? Possibly. but perhaps I should do as my wife has always suggested and go get my head examined..!